Our Parent Partnership programs continued through April to engage and connect parents and children in the communities of the schools we serve. We hosted two additional Family Literacy Nights at Clayton Homes in 5th Ward, and Coral Club Apartments in west Houston. Thanks to the support of many volunteers, community partners, and sponsors, we were able to provide literacy activities and books at these events to 148 parents and children. We were also able to serve an additional 85 adults through our Parent Workshops, which were held once each semester at the schools we serve. Through all Parent Partnership programs, including Ready, Set, Read!, 345 families were provided with books to add to their home libraries!
We would like to say a special “Thank You!” to both the Texas Young Lawyers Association (TYLA) and the Houston Young Lawyers Foundation (HYLF) for each sponsoring a Family Literacy Night, as well as the following community partners who helped to make the events a success: Barbara Bush Houston Literacy Foundation, Houston Public Library, Children’s Museum of Houston, Houston Young Lawyers Association (HYLA), and Houston Housing Authority at Clayton Homes.