Dear friends,
While many think of summer as a time to relax, that is not the summer vibe at Literacy Now. Yes, we all do take some time off, but our summer focus is on planning for the upcoming school year so that when programs get kicked-off, we are ready to go and laser-focused on the children. So, we will continue this month, creating and delivering innovative professional development for all staff, preparing for our semi-annual board planning session, and finalizing all program logistics.
Building relationships is also something that never stops at Literacy Now. The foundation upon which we stand is the development of relationships and that’s how you build partnerships… with parents, schools, businesses, donors, volunteers, other non-profits, and all throughout the community. As you can see in this newsletter, our partnerships are still going strong this summer. WE are in this work together and we have LOTS to do!
Thanks to YOU for being our partner in this work, we could not do it alone!
Jacque Daughtry
Executive Director