Our Parent Partnership programs continued through April to engage and connect parents and children in the communities of the schools we serve. We hosted four Family Literacy Nights this school year., and thanks to the support of many volunteers, community partners, and our two major sponsors – Charity Guild of Catholic Women and HEB Tournament of Champions – we were able to provide literacy activities and books at these events to over 325 adults and children.
We were also able to serve an additional 126 adults through our Parent Workshops held each semester at the schools we serve. These are great opportunities for the parents/caregivers of our Reading Intervention and Steps 2 Success students to gain skills and materials needed to support their child’s education and development at home.
Furthermore, through our GROW (Great Readers Open the World) program and with the generous donations of our supporters, we were able to distribute 6,656 books this year to help children build their home libraries!